The International Flash Fiction Day Competition

All about flash…


So you want to join the mob…

If you are new to flash fiction, these links will help. If you’re experienced at flash fiction, these links will inspire you further…

FLASH MOB 2013 welcomes all writers — new to flash and old hands.

So here we bring you writers from all over the globe talking about flash fiction in fun and creative ways.

6361655First, check out Awkword Paper Cut, where Flash Mob organiser Michelle Elvy talks with a handful of experienced flash writers about what’s important in flash. Clever and inspiring, these writers find new ways of expressing why they write flash, and why they read it, too.  Check it out here


cropped-groups-of-three-plus-oneAnd if you want more, see National Flash Fiction Day New Zealand, where you can see another group of internationally recognised writers of short short prose talk about flash. Examples include Susan Tepper:

“Flash fiction is a tray of frosted petite-fours, so tiny and delectably edible, far less caloric than its bigger siblings: the cake slice, the tarte, the piece of pie. So you can take a flash fiction delicately between your fingers and slip it inside you, and savour its sugary warmth, or its sticky jelly center, or its biting lemon curd, and you will hardly put on a pound.  Flash fiction is approved by Weight Watchers International.”

More great insights into flash at NZ’s NFFD page here


NFFDlogo13And then there’s National Flash Fiction Day in Britain, where organiser Calum Kerr (who also can be seen at New Zealand’s site) and team have put together probably the biggest national flash celebration happening this year — including workshops, competitions, anthologies and other challenges. Go here for more inspiration.


And, finally, for those of you still figuring out what’s so flash about flash, check out these fine flash journals, associated loosely or directly with organisers, judges and participants of FLASH MOB 2013. In the pages below, you’ll find plenty to inspire.

Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction



Smokelong Quarterly

Blue Five Notebook

Open Road Review

2 thoughts on “All about flash…

  1. Michelle Elvy, Walter Bjorkman, and John Wentworth Chapin brought Flash Fiction into a whole other realm with their ground-breaking YEAR LONG PROJECT, the 52/250. An unforgettable experience, and one that created this huge bond between the writers, and the writers and editors, possibly for life. I miss it all the time.

    • Great to see you here, Susan. We hope you will join the MOB! It’s a packed affair already — get your hard-hat on, and go for it! I think there is a mosh pit down front.

      By the way, I share that delicate morsel about flash quite often with workshops and presentations; it gets them laughing and appreciating the delicacy and variety of flash every time.